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My own Videos

Mannsein Congress interview

In 2022, I gave an interview on the topics of haka and abaout being a man in the new era as part of the online Mannsein Congress. I also talked a bit about my life journey. You can find both parts of the interview here. Attention, part one starts with a haka (so very loud!).

Haka message 2020

In a collaboration with friends including coach Sascha Tetzlaff, a haka message for the joy of life, optimism and community was created during a lockdown in 2020. You are welcome to dance to it or to contact me for inputs.

External Videos

The healing touch of Grandfather Stalking Wolf
In this interview with my teacher, the medicine man Darrel Combs, you will learn more about shamanic energy healing work and some of the things that I include in my offerings

Shamanism - cultural appropriation or appreciation
In this interview with my teacher, medicine man Darrel Combs, you will learn more about terms such as shamanism, indigenous knowledge, etc. and how traditional knowledge can and should be used.

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