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Image Sources

Connected to everything

Photographer: Kristin Pinheiro, www.ur-vibe.ch

Rafael Pinheiro ceremony

Photographer: Florian Freundt, www.freundt.org

energy healing session

Photographer: Darrel Combs, www.darrelcombs.com

EmotionsKraftTanz Workshop

Photographer: Kristin Pinheiro, www.ur-vibe.ch

The Power of the Self

Photographer: Kristin Pinheiro, www.ur-vibe.ch

Ceremony with Heart in Nature

Photographer: Florian Freundt, www.freundt.org

Ceremony with Heart with Cacao

Photographer: Florian Freundt, www.freundt.org

Rafael Pinheiro Haka

Photographer: Kristin Pinheiro, www.ur-vibe.ch

Portrait Rafael Pinheiro

Photographer: Melanie Kleinfercher

Connected with Nature

Photographer: Florian Freundt, www.freundt.org

Rafael Pinheiro Haka

Photographer: Kristin Pinheiro, www.ur-vibe.ch

Portrait Rafael Pinheiro

Photographer: Philipp Eyer, www.coupdoeil.ch


Photographer: Kristin Pinheiro, www.ur-vibe.ch


Image rights: Kristin Walther, www.erfahrungs-raeume.de


Image rights: Alexandra Haaji, www.spielraumnatur.at


Image rights: Guilherme Alves, www.pazciencia.com.br

Golden blue

Image rights: Wallpaper by ingo on www.wallpapers.com

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